Are you a fan of beach tourism in Bali? Do you know the tourist attraction of Melasti Beach?
Melasti Beach is a beach in the southern part of the island of Bali and has become a popular tourist attraction to visit since 2020 after previously being under construction.
This time we invite you to get acquainted with this beach, who knows this beach will be your next favourite tourist destination.
Melasti Beach is one of the white sand beaches that has its own charm.
This is because this beach was once a hidden area behind a limestone hill, so it is hardly known by many people.
Where does the name Melasti Beach come from?
Generally, beach names in Bali are taken from the name of the region where the beach is located, for example, Kuta Beach or Sanur Beach. Although there are also those that are taken from certain historical events.
However, this beach has a slightly different history as it is named after a local custom.
The people in the area are generally Hindu and have a habit of performing a cleansing ceremony called Melasti.
Melasti is a ceremony that is often performed before Nyepi arrives. Generally, the Melasti ceremony is performed at a water source such as an ocean or lake.

Terdapat dua pantai Melasti di Bali yaitu pantai Melasti Ungasan dan Pantai Melasti Tabanan. Pantai yang kita bahas sekarang adalah Pantai Melasti Ungasan.
Apa Saja Daya Tarik dari Pantai Melasti Ungasan?
Sebagai pantai baru, pantai Melasti Ungasan tentu saja menawarkan sejumlah daya tarik yang membuat pengunjung betah dan ingin kembali lagi ke pantai ini.
Beberapa daya tarik yang dimiliki pantai ini adalah:
Saingan Pantai Pandawa
Pantai Pandawa merupakan pantai yang memiliki latar belakang yang hampir sama dengan Pantai Melasti Ungasan. Dimana keduanya sama-sama dulunya berada di wilayah yang tersembunyi dan menjadi terkenal setelah dibuka.
Kesamaan tersebut membuat kedua pantai ini sering disebut saingan sebagai wisata destinasi wisata favorit.
Memiliki Akses Jalan yang Sangat Unik
Bagi Anda yang menyukai tantangan untuk adrenalin, pantai di Ungasan ini bisa jadi akan membuat Anda tertarik untuk mendatanginya. Pasalnya,akses jalan untuk menuju ke pantai tersebut bisa dibilang cukup ekstrim namun tetap aman untuk dilintasi.
Penyebabnya adalah proses rekonstruksi yang dilakukan untuk membuat pantai ini menjadi objek wisata dilakukan dengan membelah bukit untuk dijadikan akses jalan. Anda akan bisa melalui jalan yang berliku, menurun dan menanjak ketika hendak mengunjunginya.
Tetapi, Anda tidak perlu terlalu khawatir, karena jalannya telah dilengkapi dengan aspal yang tidak hanya halus, tetapi juga tebal. Jalannya juga nyaman untuk dilalui karena lebar, sehingga mudah dilalui baik oleh mobil dan motor.
Apa Saja Fasilitas dan Sarana yang Akan Anda Dapatkan di Pantai Ini?
Apakah Anda sudah tertarik untuk mengunjungi objek wisata ini? Atau mungkin Anda masih penasaran dengan fasilitas apa saja yang bisa Anda dapatkan jika berkunjung kesana?

Although still a new beach, it has facilities such as toilets, changing rooms and a place for visitors to wash their feet.
Although there are not many restaurants, you can still find shops that sell food and drinks.
In the area around the beach there are also inexpensive inns that you can consider renting.
If you bring a vehicle, you can rest easily. Not only is this Ungasan beach not visited by many people, but it also has a large parking lot. You don't have to worry about not finding a place to park your car.
In fact, the facilities available are still not as many as other beaches that are more famous. But this beach is planning to add several other interesting facilities.
What Activities Can You Do at Melasti Ungasan Beach?

After knowing about the facilities, the location and the history of the name, what you are most curious about is what activities you can do, right?
Because there are many people who come to the beach not only to enjoy the sea and the sand, but also to try new challenges.
Some of the activities you can do at the tourist attraction of Melasti Beach are
1. Swimming on the Beach

Ombak yang ada di pantai Melasti Ungasan ini bisa dibilang tidak terlalu besar dan masih tergolong sangat aman. Sehingga, pantai ini masih cocok untuk melakukan aktivitas berenang bersama keluarga dan pasangan anda.
2. Melakukan Aktivitas Snorkeling

If you like snorkelling, you can do it at this Ungasan beach. The beautiful scenery combined with the not too high waves is a combination that is sure to attract your attention.
Please note that you need to bring your own snorkelling equipment such as a mask, fins and swimsuit.
3. Relax by the Beach

If you don't want to swim and snorkel, you can also choose to sit back and enjoy the food and drinks sold at the taverns near this beach, while renting a long chair complete with a large umbrella.
4. Watching Kecak Dance

Now to watch Kecak Dance in Bali is not only in Uluwatu but now Melasti Beach also has a Kecak Dance performance called Titi Situbanda Kecak Dance.
Maybe this Kecak Dance has a difference with Kecak Dance in Uluwatu because the difference is in the concept of the stage for them to perform and a different version of the story when they perform, interesting for you to try right?
5. Capture the Moment

This beach has been prepared by the beach manager, namely the local traditional village, by making various unique and interesting photo spots for tourists if they want to capture their vacation by taking pictures with family, friends and your beloved partner.
6. Favourite Location for Pre-Wedding Photos

Melasti Ungasan Beach is one of the favourite places for pre-wedding photos for locals, domestic tourists and foreign tourists.
Almost every day there are prospective couples who will get married by doing prewedding on this beach because this place has become a favourite place to do prewedding.

The beautiful scenery that can be seen on this beach makes it one of the favourite places for brides-to-be to take pre-wedding photos.
Generally, brides-to-be like to take photos with the sea, beach or cliffs as a background. Taking pre-wedding photos at this beach is not free, but you will get some facilities such as toilets and a special room for make-up.
How Much does it Cost to Enter Ungasan Melasti Beach?
Many of you may be wondering how much it costs to enter this beach. The entrance fee to this beach can be said to be quite affordable.

You will only need to pay IDR 3,000 for the children. While for adults it is enough to pay IDR 8,000 per person.
Then if you bring a car, the parking fee you need to spend is IDR 5,000 per car. If you bring a motorbike, you only have to pay IDR 2,000 per motorbike.
What Transportation can be Used to get to Ungasan Melasti Beach?
As mentioned above, the access road to this beach is quite wide and comfortable to use, but adrenaline inducing. If you are coming from out of town, it is recommended that you take an Uluwatu Tour who provide complete vehicles along with friendly drivers and fuel for a comfortable and safe trip.

But if you're renting a driverless vehicle or a private car, it's best to pay close attention to the map app. But again, you should make sure you are in top condition to face the challenging road access.
That's a little introductory information about Melasti Ungasan Beach, a new beach that can be your favourite tourist attraction on the Island of the Gods. If you still want to enjoy a vacation in Bali, you can also join Bali Tour Package, which certainly offers activities that are no less fun for you.
Are you interested in going there? What activities would you like to do? Don't forget to always follow health protocols when travelling.
We hope you find this information useful.